Welcome To Hong An Academy, LLC
Empowering Passionate Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners
To Create & Build A Life They Truly Love Living!

3 Key Principles To Get Results Fast

from my heart to yours!

You'll never find something you're not looking for.

Dear friend,

I hope this note finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, I want to share with you the incredible power of vision and extend a special invitation to my upcoming free vision workshop.

Vision is the compass that guides us through life, igniting our passions, and inspiring us to reach new heights. It is the vivid picture we paint in our minds, allowing us to see beyond the present moment and envision a brighter future. Vision empowers us to set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles, and create positive change in our lives and the world around us.

When we have a clear vision, it becomes the driving force behind our actions. It fuels our motivation, fuels our perseverance, and fuels our determination to turn our dreams into reality. Vision acts as a catalyst, propelling us forward and giving us purpose and direction.

However, crafting a compelling vision and bringing it to life is not always an easy task. It requires introspection, clarity, and a deep understanding of our values and aspirations. That is why I am thrilled to invite you to my next free vision workshop.

In this workshop, we will dive into the power of vision and provide you with practical tools and strategies to shape and manifest your own vision. Through interactive sessions, thought-provoking discussions, and guided exercises, you will gain the knowledge and insights to clarify your goals, identify the steps to achieve them, and propel yourself towards the life you desire.

Whether you are seeking personal growth, career advancement, or a renewed sense of purpose, this workshop will equip you with the mindset and skills to create a compelling vision and take meaningful action towards its realization.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your future and unleash your full potential. Join us at our next FREE Vision Workshop, and embark on a transformative journey towards a life of purpose, fulfillment, and success.

To register for the next free vision workshop, simply 


I look forward to having you with us and witnessing the incredible transformations that will unfold as we harness the power of vision together.

Wishing you a future filled with clarity, passion, and boundless achievements.

Warm regards,

Sonny M. Nguyen

Co-founder | CEO


A comprehensive guide designed to empower you in turing your Dreams into Reality.

Free Ebook

I work with Everyone but Not Anyone!

my proven, reliable, repeatable System is not for everyone!

My program is for you if:

You're open to learn new skills
You're ready to change for better...
You're hungry for more...
You're coachable
You're willing to INVEST

My program is NOT for you if:

You don't know, and don't wanna know
Life is good, you don't wanna change
Not willing to invest, learn new skills
Comfortable being uncomfortable
Have no desire & not willing to work 

The Things I Love To Teach

Personal development
Business transformation
Team building
Marketing & sales
Vision workshops
Communication skills
Social media marketing
Email marketing
Leads generation

- What inspired my journey to become a certified dream builder coach? Well, for the better part of 20 years, I found myself in a constant state of confusion, unsure of what I truly desired. I lacked a clear vision, and as a result, I felt stagnant and unable to progress. However, when I stumbled upon the idea of becoming a certified life coach, something clicked within me. I realized that this path was meant for me, not only to help myself move forward, but also to assist others in creating lives they truly adore. There are countless individuals out there who are grappling with their own struggles, and being able to guide them out of those situations brings me immense joy. Witnessing people thrive and excel in life is a truly fulfilling experience, and I am determined to play a part in their success.

My Encouragement & Invitation to You...

- If you're feeling stuck, lacking direction, or struggling to find your passion, I encourage you to consider the transformative power of coaching. Together, we can uncover your true desires, create a clear vision for your future, and take actionable steps towards a life you absolutely love. Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer. Embrace the opportunity for growth and reach out to me today to embark on your own journey of personal & professional fulfillment and success. 

- I have included a calendar below, so go ahead and book a FREE One-On-One Strategy Session. Let's chat and see what we can do to help you moving forwards to create and build your DREAM!


Austin, TX 78729 | USA


Co-Founder, and CEO or Hong An Academy, LLC. I am a Certified Dream Builder Coach. If you're an entrepreneur or business owner. Welcome and enjoy my content and training here. Feel free to reach out to me with questions. Have a fabulous day!

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